Application Ref:  PL/2023/10812

Land North of 34 – 39 Clyffe Pypard, SN4 7PY

Proposal: Change of use of land to form a 3-pitch traveller caravan site, along with the erection of a day room and boundary fencing with access from Clyffe Pypard

Parish Council OBJECTION, 12 March 2024:
Other objectors have pointed to the various ways in which this application contravenes planning law, misrepresents the real conditions on the site, and represents a threat to safe highways and to the environment. We agree with those observations and won’t repeat them here. As a representative body, we also object on the grounds that this proposed development is wrong for our community.
  • It is wrong because the scale of the development is completely disproportionate to the scale of the existing tiny community. It is wrong because no planning application for this development, had it been made before the unpermitted occupation had commenced, would ever have been approved. It would be wrong to reward this cynical unpermitted, unlawful occupation with retrospective planning consent. It would set a dangerous precedent and encourage others to try it on.
  • It is wrong because no development for permanent homes on this site would be permitted.
  • It is wrong because the existing residents of 10 nearby homes are dependent on the sewage service on this site and this development threatens the viability of that service.
  • It is wrong because this proposed development is in an AONB but the occupiers have already shown complete disregard for the natural environment by removing all of the above ground vegetation (trees, bushes etc) and building a high obtrusive fence which now dominates the whole area.
  • Mostly it is wrong because the impact of this development on the existing residents has been profound and negative.
For all these reasons, and the planning law transgressions raised in other objections, this application should be refused and no amendment to such an application could bring it anywhere close to being acceptable. Clyffe Pypard Parish Council.


Application Ref:  PL/2024/02292

18 Clyffe Pypard, Swindon, SN4 7PY

Proposal: Remodelling of existing garage and utility roof and remodelling of existing patio.

Consultation Deadline:  09/04/2024


Application Ref:  PL/2024/02333

Norbury House, Clyffe Pypard, Swinsdon, SN4 7PY

Proposal: T1 T2 Ash trees – Reduce by 50% .  T3 Ash tree – Reduce by 30%

Consultation Deadline:  25/03/2024
Outcome: No Objection



Application Ref: PL/2023/08196

The Old Forge, 23, Clyffe Pypard, Swindon, SN4 7PY
Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension with balcony, modifications to porch, proposed single storey side extension, internal reconfiguration, demolition of existing stable block and outbuildings and erection of proposed three bay garage and installation of 18 solar panels
Consultation Deadline: 26/01/2024


Application Ref: PL/2024/00036

The Old Forge, 23, Clyffe Pypard, Swindon, SN4 7PY
Proposal: Dismantle Ash & Cherry, Reduce 2 x Ash on boundary line by approx. 1.5 Metres, Reduce Purple Plum to height of hedge line
Consultation Deadline: 02/02/2024



Application Ref: PL/2024/00038

Proposal: Fell Ash tree
Consultation Deadline: 01/02/2024



Application Ref:  PL/2024/00616

Proposal: T1 Ash, T2 Walnut, T3 Cherry – Fell
Consultation Deadline: 13/02/2024

